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浙江青风 菌房环境整体机
产 品: 浏览次数:2042浙江青风 菌房环境整体机 
品 牌: 青风 
单 价: 39990.00/台 
最小起订量: 1 台 
供货总量: 30 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 30 天内发货
更新日期: 2021-10-21 11:37  有效期至:长期有效


The Forth Generation Climate All-In-One Machine


1. 机组采用立式一体机结构,室内机和室外机结合为一体,机组安装早室外,需要预留进出风管孔,强电部分在室外,无火灾隐患。

The unit using integrated structure, the indoor unit and outdoor unit are combined into onr. The unit is installed outdoor and set aside air inlet hole. Power source outdoor designing to void the fire risk.

2. 冷风通过保温风管,由菇房外传送到菇房,只需连接上室内风管和电源即可工作。

Cold air goes through the insulated air duct from outside into the rooms. The unit just needs to connect power source and indoor air duct then can be put into use.

3. 不锈钢的风箱设计,适用于长时间高湿度环境。采用离心风机和防潮电机,实现远距离送风。

The air bellow is made of stainless steel, which is suitable for long time in high humidity environment. The centrifugal fan and moisture-proof motor realized remote air delivery.

4. 新风入口采用初效+中效袋式过滤器,有效避免外界空气对菇房的污染。

The fresh air inlet by initial effect+bag filter, effectively avoid the infection of the outside air to the mushroom rooms.

5. 机组集温度,湿度,光照,CO2浓度控制,新回风,排风微循环为一体。

The unit gathered cooling, humidity, heating, CO2 control, fresh and return air mixing, exhaust and micro circulation as a whole unit.

6. 利用地下水源代替原有的的电加热方式,比如电加热制热至少可以节省30%用电量。

Use groundwater instead of the original electric heating method, which can save at least 30% of electricity consumption.

7. 地下恒定水温无需冷却塔风机散热节约电能。

The constant underground water temperature does not require cooling tower fans to release so as to save energy.