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浙江青风 蘑菇种植 分体机组
产 品: 浏览次数:815浙江青风 蘑菇种植 分体机组 
品 牌: 青风 
单 价: 17800.00/台 
最小起订量: 1 台 
供货总量: 100 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 30 天内发货
更新日期: 2021-10-21 11:37  有效期至:长期有效


Mushroom Climate Control Split Type Machine


1. 全封闭涡旋压缩机组,运转更稳定。

Hermetic scroll type compressor with stable operation.

2. 主机和冷风机型号齐全,风冷/水冷任选。

The chiller and air cooler have complete modl

3. 每个库单独配置一套或并联的制冷系统,确保生产不收影响。

Each room installs individual or parallel refrigeration equipment to ensure that the production is not affected.

4. 无需人工调节,全自动恒温运行,温控装置精确温控。

Without hand regulation, automatic thermostatic operation, and the device controls the temperature accurately.

5. 箱体式结构,外形美观,安装快递,连接制冷管路即可使用。

Box-type structure, good-looking appearance, quick installation, and it only need to connect the pipe before using.

6. 自动检测故障,缩短维修时间。

Automatic fault detection to shorten the maintenance time.

7. 室内风机微循环功能,创造菇房均衡生长环境。

The indoor fan has micro circulation function, so as to create the mushroom room balanced growth environment.