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双孢菇专用多功能冷风机 (控制菇房温度,湿度,二氧化碳浓度)
产 品: 浏览次数:2049双孢菇专用多功能冷风机 (控制菇房温度,湿度,二氧化碳浓度) 
品 牌: 青风 
单 价: 60670.00/台 
最小起订量: 1 台 
供货总量: 1000 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 30 天内发货
更新日期: 2021-10-21 11:37  有效期至:长期有效


White Button Mushroom Air Handling Unit


一:产品特点Product Characteristic

1. 离心风机采用外置安装,不仅检修方便,而且避免菇房蒸汽高温消毒对风机电机的影响。

The centrifugal fan adopts an external installation, not only convenient maintenance, but also avoids the influence of the mushroom room steam high temperature disinfection.

2. 机组底架采用不锈钢,箱体采用美铝合金板,杜绝了一切对机组的腐蚀因素。

The unit frame is made of stainless steel, the box body adopts the magnesium alloy plates, put an end to all of the corrosion factors.

3. 机组集温度,湿度,光照,CO2浓度控制为一体

The air conditioner gathered temperature, humidity and CO2 control as a whole unit.

4. 温湿度传感器采用空调焓差实验室专用干湿球温度计,温度测试误差小于0.1℃,湿度测试温度小于2%,从根本上杜绝了电子式温度计在潮湿环境中易损坏及测试误差大的问题。

Temperature and humidity sensor using the enthalpy difference air-conditional laboratory dedicated wet and dry bulb thermometer, temperature measurement error is less than 0.1℃, the test error of humidity is less than 2%, fundamentally put an end to the electronic temperature hygrometer in moist environment is easily damaged and the problem of big error test.


The unit adopts double coil and four pipe design, the cold and hot water circulated independently, so as to meet the heating and cooling purpose for a plurality of mushroom growing rooms in different seasons and dehumidification before the mushroom harvest.


The unit adopts frequency motor, not only air volume adjusting range of 10%-100%, but also make the growing room has been in a state of air circulation, keep uniform of the temperature, humidity and CO2 at every point in the room.

7. 新风阀和回风阀全部采用比例式执行器,调节范围从0-100%,可以根据CO2浓度需要对风阀进行无级调节。

Fresh air valve and air return valve used in all proportional actuator, adjusting range from 0-100%. The air valve can be adjusted according to the CO2 concentration.

8. 新风入口采用初级+中效袋式过滤器,有效避免外界空气对菇房的污染。

The fresh air inlet by initial effect+bag filter, effectively avoid the infection of the outside air to the mushroom rooms.

9. 机组自带过滤器压差报警,自动提醒客户进行过滤器清洗或更换。

The unit is with filter pressure difference alarm, automatically reminds customers of filter cleaning or replacement.

10. 冷热水可采用比例式电动阀,可根据屋温度进行PID调节。

The hot and cold water can use proportional electric valve according to the temperature by adjusting the PID